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Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Van Gogh / Blue), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Van Gogh / Blue), 2016, Collection of the artist

日本藝術家森村泰昌(1951-)將於今年四月初在日本國立國際美術館舉辦個展,這也是森村首次在家鄉大阪舉行的大型展覽。森村自1985年發表《自畫像 梵谷》開始,就一直在自己的作品中扮演藝術名作裡的主角和各種名人,透過模仿與挪用手法解構人類經典與歷史,同時揭示在擬仿與真實之間衝撞的視覺概念與思想。此展共分兩部及十個篇章,共將展出約130件作品,其中包含森村的30件新作與一部逾60分鐘的長片,以及過去從未發表的作品和重要代表作。

This marks the first large-scale solo exhibition that the preeminent Japanese contemporary artist Yasumasa Morimura (b. 1951) has ever held at a museum in his hometown of Osaka. Since showing Portrait (Van Gogh) in 1985, Morimura has focused on making photographic works in which he dresses up as protagonists from masterpieces and other notable figures. The exhibition will consist of approximately 130 items, including 30 new works (a full-length video piece with a running time of over 60 minutes among them), never-before-shown works, and important works from the past.

The Self-Portraits of YASUMASA MORIMURA:
My Art, My Story, My Art History

日期 Date | 2016.4.5 – 2016.6.19
地點 Venue | 日本大阪國立國際美術館
The National Museum of Art, Osaka

更多資訊 More info
Photographs courtesy The National Museum of Art, Osaka

Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Rembrandtʼs Testament), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Rembrandtʼs Testament), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Dürerʼs Hand is Another Face), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Dürerʼs Hand is Another Face), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Le Brun on the Witness Stand), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, A Sympósion on Self-Portraits, 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, A Sympósion on Self-Portraits, 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Magritte / Triple Personality), 2016, Collection of the artist
Yasumasa Morimura, Self-Portraits through Art History (Magritte / Triple Personality), 2016, Collection of the artist