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史泰德圖書獎:亞洲公開徵集 Steidl Book Award: Asia Open Call

德國著名出版人——格哈德·史泰德 (Gerhard Steidl)在他的出版生涯中曾與世界各地無數著名攝影家合作並出版攝影書,至今已出版了超過4000本攝影書。史泰德由於始終秉持紙質書印刷與裝幀的專業精神,以此樹立了他在國際出版上的聲譽。今年,史泰德為支持新加坡與東南亞攝影藝術發展,捐贈了超過1000本攝影書籍給位於新加坡專為攝影作品而設立的獨立藝術空間DECK,並將舉行「STEIDL x DECK: 1001 STEIDL BOOKS」攝影書展,同時舉辦「史泰德圖書獎:亞洲公開徵集 (Steidl Book Award: Asia Open Call)」,入選的前五名創作者將能和史泰德面對面討論作品出版,而最終的一名獲選者的作品將會由史泰德出版。此公開徵集自即日期至4月25日截止,獲選名單將於5月揭曉。

In conjunction with 1001 Steidl Books exhibition, STEIDL DECK & THEBOOKSHOW presents the Steidl Book Award: Asia Open Call.

The renowned German publisher Gerhard Steidl has published more than 4000 books in his career with countless prolific photographers. For years, he has championed the artistry behind book making and printing. This year, in support of the emerging photographic scene in Singapore and the region, he has donated over a thousand books to DECK, a Singapore-based arts space dedicated to photography. In this special collaboration, we invite photographers and artists based in Asia to send in their self-published photo books for a chance to exhibit in this special edition of THEBOOKSHOW, alongside the Steidl DECK: 1001 Steidl Books exhibition and to meet with Gerhard Steidl himself.

Selected book titles will exhibit alongside the 1001 Steidl Books exhibition. 5 shortlisted participants will have a one-on-one book review session with Gerhard Steidl. One of the five shortlisted entries will be awarded the Grand Prize and will have their book published by Steidl.

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