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VOP Issue 3 : 走出現實 Walk Out from Reality


在這期的《攝影之聲》中,日本藝術家Yumiko Utsu以綺麗而古怪的靜物拼盤,挑釁沾滿慾望的人間;橫田大輔從私寫真中挖掘出日常記憶,轉化為猶如迷幻音樂般曖昧模糊的印象音場;台灣藝術家陳順築則以磁磚和家族老照片拼貼的影像語言,重新書寫內心深處的時光遊記;法國創作組合Thomas Rousset和Raphaël Verona,在平凡無奇的生活場景中,塑造了虛實交融的魔幻寫實劇場;中國攝影師史暘,透過都市巨獸的失衡錯位與猛暴的黑白反差,疊起錯落的空間和晦澀不安的視覺想像。而在本期的Artist’s Showcase裡,我們也回顧攝影家張照堂1989年的〈非影像札記〉,重讀他在七○至八○年代超脫實相與夢境的文字影像哲學,從中發現浮遊於生活斷片之內的虛實幻影。

When the reality in the society becomes more surreal than the surreal and the imagined far more real than reality, sometimes we can’t help but wonder: what is the world we live in like? Photography used to be entrusted with the function of “recording the truths and reality”, how could it escape from the ironic world of illusionary images? This time, we will try and explore the real and the surreal in photography.

In this issue of Voices of Photography, Japanese artist Yumiko Utsu challenges the world that is filled with desires with colorful yet eccentric still-life collages; Daisuke Yokota uncovers everyday life memories from his personal photographs and transform them into vague images of sound similar to psychedelic music; Taiwanese artist Chen Shun-Chu combines ceramic tiles and old family photographs into a language of images, rewriting the journals of time deep inside his heart; French artists Thomas Rousset and Raphaël Verona create a stage of magical reality, where the real and the imaginary are interwoven together; Chinese photographer Shen Yang constructs imagined spaces and visual experiences of agitation using the contrast between disproportionate and displaced city monsters. In the Artist’s Showcase, we reviewed Photographer Chang Chao-Tang’s 1989 classic “Notes About the Non-images” and revisits his 1970-1980 notes that transcend reality and dreams, together with his philosophy about photography. The real surrealism, as it turns out, exists in the snapshots of the reality itself.



本期目錄 Contents


うつゆみこ Yumiko Utsu
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

他們 They
橫田大輔 Daisuke Yokota

訪談|陳依秋 Interview by Chen Yi-Chiu

四季遊蹤 Journeys in Time
陳順築 Chen Shun-Chu

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

Waska Tatay
Thomas Rousset & Raphaël Verona
訪談|陳依秋 Interview by Chen Yi-Chiu

反擊 Squelch
史暘 Shi Yang

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

獨立攝影書庫 Indie Photobooks Library
《On The Plane》
文|Larissa Leclair Text by Larissa Leclair

Photo Zine
《Tell mum everything is ok》

文|郭力昕 Text by Kuo Li-Hsin

雙月書記 Book Review
文|顧錚 Text by Gu Zheng

專欄 Column
文|沈昭良 Text by Shen Chao-Liang

Artist’s Showcase

文|張照堂 Text by Chang Chao-Tang


陳炳槮 Vincent Chen
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

後藤繁雄 Shigeo Goto
訪談|錢怡安 Interview by Lili Chien

An artist and his work: About a photo
Astrid Nobel

《Elad Lassry》
文|陳依秋 Text by Chen Yi-Chiu

《The Wedding》
文|劉浩濬 Text by Hao Liu

文|施昀佑 Text by Shih Yun-Yu
