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VOP Issue 5 : 記憶 Memory


在這期的《攝影之聲》中,王寧德撥開眾人閉眼出竅的社會記憶裡,潛意識的集體神遊;魏壁透過書寫與攝影喚起鄉愁記憶,尋找自我與土地意識;Jessica Hines爬梳哥哥在越戰期間的照片與遺物線索,追溯已成往事的生命紀錄;Angela Strassheim使用化學技術顯影出詭譎的DNA蹤跡,揭露血案現場被塗蓋遮蔽的記憶證據;Brea Souders則以不同空間維度的物件材料倒入影像畫布,摸索記憶的片段也創造出新的感知。而本期的Artist’s Showcase,我們專訪攝影家阮義忠,回看他在攝影與出版歷程上的心路歲月。


VOP Issue 5

VOP Issue 5

Photography has been the evidence of memory for a long time. When a chapter in one’s life is important enough to be captured on photographs, these pictures then become anchors in the flow of time, which somehow resist changes. Photography then naturally becomes representative of the existence of memory, taking over memories from a visual point of view, to the extent of replacing memory itself. Photography has thus built up our faith in images. Yet, if memories become photography, how would photography become memories? This time, we will introduce to our readers artists who probe deep into the memory and examine the snapshots of time they have excavated; through their works and their words, perhaps we will be able to establish some kind of relationship between memory and photography.

In this  issue of Voices of Photography, Wang Ning-De unveils the spiritual runaway of the collective subconscious in the societal memory when people shut their eyes ; Wei Bi expresses his nostalgia and recalls his memories of home through writing and photography; Jessica Hines combs the photographs and relics of the Viet Nam War left by her late brother to uncover the records of a life that has since long ended; Angela Strassheim uses chemicals to divulge the existence of DNA which had been splattered across murder scenes, exposing the bloody memories being covered up by new layers of paint; Brea Souders infuses objects and materials from different special dimensions onto the same image, exploring snapshots from people’s memories, at the same time creating new sensations. Also, this month’s Artist’s Showcase will display the life and thoughts of photographer Juan I-Jong through an interview, reviewing his accomplishments in photography and publishing.

vop#5 p16-2

本期目錄 Contents


某一天 Some Days
王寧德 Wang Ning-De

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

夢溪 Meng Xi
魏壁 Wei Bi

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

My Brother’s War
Jessica Hines
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

Angela Strassheim
訪談|陳依秋 Interview by Chen Yi-Chiu

Brea Souders
訪談|陳依秋 Interview by Chen Yi-Chiu

獨立攝影書庫 Indie Photobooks Library
《A Place to Stake》
《Estaría Bien Poner Un Título Aquí》
《Not Many Kingdoms Left》
《Tamara Lichtenstein》
文|Nate Grann Text by Nate Grann

Photo Zine
文|李威儀 Text by Lee Wei-I

文|郭力昕 Text by Kuo Li-Hsin

雙月書記 Book Review
文|顧錚 Text by Gu Zheng

Artist’s Showcase

阮義忠 Juan I-Jong
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

● Photobook Festival 2012 攝影書的國際派對
.攝影讀書人需要認識的八家藝術出版社 Photobook Publishers
.國際攝影書節主席 Dieter Neubert


Gerry Badger

Aron Mörel


《Mémoires. 1984-1987》
文|陳依秋 Text by Chen Yi-Chiu

《Photographs Not Taken》
文|李威儀 Text by Lee Wei-I
